Are you happy with where you are at in life?
In Jim Collins “Good To Great” he talks about the Hedgehog Concept. It is three factors that define your secret formula for success.
1 What are you the best in the world at?
2. What are you deeply passionate about?
3. What drives your resource engine?
I believe that what is true for a business is true for an individual. It’s important to drill down what your individual passion, greatest skill and financial resource engine looks like to have the formula for SPHERE PREEMINENCE. Stand out in your niche' so that you shine as a light and lead in the midst of darkness upon the earth. There is a new fresh company of David's and Deborah's rising out of relative obscurity.
Here is one way to find out what you are best in the world at. Ask: what do people usually come to me for? Is it something you DO (like a doctor, mechanic, photographer….) or something you SAY (counselor, speaker, consultant…) Well? What do they come for? A bit of both? (accountant, lawyer, etc…) I challenge you to journal your answers to these questions and see what clarity and inspiration comes!